Friday, September 3, 2010

Purpose of this blog

The purpose of this blog is prevent Roger Snyder and Blake Enterprises Moving and Storage from perpetrating additional crimes.

Roger Scott Snyder is a career criminal and convicted felon who has served multiple prison terms and jail sentences in U.S. federal, Washington, D.C. and Virginia state jails and prisons.

His convictions include fraud, forgery, grand larceny and receiving stolen property. Roger Scott Snyder is currently on parole for a conviction in Fairfax County, Virginia.

In the years 1991 to 2009 Roger Scott Snyder is known to be party to civil judgments and criminal restitution in the amount of $159,974.10. Known restitution payments during that time period to the victims of Roger Scott Snyder total $6,130.05.

Among other activities, Roger Scott Snyder operates an unlicensed false-front company named Blake Enterprises in Washington, D.C. that is used to perpetrate fraud and theft.

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